viernes, 26 de enero de 2007

jueves, 18 de enero de 2007

lunes, 15 de enero de 2007

Punta del Este como sede de congresos

Punta del Este is one of the premier resort cities in South America. It offers cultural attractions, sophistication, excellent restaurants, natural beauty, and fabulous beaches (the workshop takes place at the
end of summer). It is about 1.5 hours of scenic drive from the capital Montevideo, or a 30 min flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

For more information regarding Punta del Este and Uruguayan tourism in general please visit the official government site at and proceed through sections: "The sun and the beach", then "Punta del Este"
Independent reviews on Punta del Este can be found at:
New York Times review (January 15, 2006)
Food and Wine review New York Times review-->
Uruguay review in Lonely Planet (travel information site)
Punta del Este review in Frommers (travel information site)
More detailed information about Punta del Este is available at
Independent reviews on Montevideo can be found at:
Washington Post review
Montevideo review in Frommers (travel information site)
Montevideo review in Virtual Tourist (travel information site)
About Uruguay
Surface on land: 176,215 km2
Jurisdictional waters: 137,567 km2
Coastline: 660 km
Total Surface: 313,782 km2
Population: 3.241.003 (data 04/2005)
Life Expectancy at Birth: 75.2 years
Capital: Montevideo
Language: Spanish
Political regime: Republican Democracy
National Holiday: August 25th, Declaration of Independence
Member of:
Constitution in force: November 28th, 1996
Cultural Profile: Literacy: 97.7%, Students per teacher: 21
Official Educational System: Lay, free and compulsory
Catholic 56.2% - Non religious 38.3% - Protestant 2% Jewish: 1.7%
GDP per capita: 3609
Population with access to drinking water: 98%
Electrification rate: 98%
Cars (per 100 people): 19
Internet TLD (top-level domain): .UY
Calling Code: + 598
Local voltage: 220VAC 50Hz
Geography :
The territory of Uruguay features gently sloping hills and elevations of modest altitude, separated by rivers which flow down to the sea or into other and larger rivers. There are no high mountains or vast plains, no impenetrable forests or desert regions. Earthquakes are unknown. The highest point is the Cerro Catedral, altitude 513 meters.
The coastal plain boasts many beaches along the Atlantic coast and on the shores of the Rio de la Plata.
Demographics :
As a Spanish-speaking country of Latin America, most Uruguayans share a Spanish cultural background, even though about one-quarter of the population is of Italian origin.
Uruguay is distinguished by its high literacy rate, large urban middle class, and relatively even income distribution.
Economy :
Uruguay's economy is characterized by an export-oriented agricultural sector, a well-educated workforce, and high levels of social spending, as well as a developed industrial sector.
In recent years Uruguay has shifted most of its energy into developing the commercial use of IT technologies and has become the leading exporter of software in Latin America.
The climate is temperate throughout the country; there are no regional variations.
Average temperatures are 17 degrees C in spring, 25 degrees C in summer, 18 degrees C in autumn, and 12 degrees C in winter. Maximum temperatures may exceptionally attain 40 degrees C in summer, and minimum temperatures -2 degrees C or -3 degrees C in winter. Snowstorms and hurricanes are unknown.
For information about the weather in Punta del Este, visit
this page.
Local Time :
Standard Uruguayan time corresponds to the UTC/GTM -3:00 zone.
For information about Uruguayan local time, visit
this page.
Currency :
The Uruguayan Peso ($U) is the official currency in Uruguay.
US dollars are occasionally accepted. The airport's taxi cabs accept US dollars and the Hotel check-out requires US dollars. However, you will need Uruguayan Pesos for small expenses.
Currency Exchange :
Currency exchange facilities are available at banks and Money Exchange Houses located in commercial areas, as well as shopping malls and airports. Banks and Money Exchange Houses offer similar exchange rates.
For information about currency exchange, visit
this page.
Credit Card :
Credit cards are widely accepted in shops and restaurants. The most commonly used credit cards are: Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club and American Express.
Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs)
They are easy to find in commercial and banking areas.
Tipping :
There is no fixed rule on tipping in Uruguay. However, it is usual to tip between 5% and 10% of the bill at restaurants. Don't tip taxi drivers with more than 10$U. In hotels, USD1 per suitcase would be a fine tip.
Mobiles :
Not every mobile would work in Uruguay. Please check with your network operator if it has a roaming agreement.
Electrical network :
AC current is 220V at 50Hz. Power plugs used are "Schuco" and "three in a row" (3 en linea). A universal adapter is recommended as foreign connectors such as the american plug are not compatible with these connectors.
Visa Information :
Citizens of certain countries are entitled to visit Uruguay as tourists for up to three months without a visa.
Please check if you need a visa for traveling to Uruguay at the
National Direction of Migration Web Site. For further and updated information contact you nearest Uruguayan Embassy or Consulate. You can find information about Uruguayan missions in different countries at the Uruguayan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Web Site.
Visa applications can take quite a long time. We recommend you to apply for a visa well in advance of your journey.